Chamrousse access by train

Closest train station

Grenoble train station is located 30 km away from Chamrousse:
- direct fast train (TGV) Paris-Grenoble (stop at Lyon Saint-Exupéry) : 3h
- regional trains Lyon-Grenoble / Valence-Grenoble / Chambéry-Grenoble / Gap-Grenoble

More information about the train transfers to Grenoble and about Grenoble train station (only in French).

Transfer from Grenoble bus station by bus or taxi.


Do not worry anymore about how to get to Chamrousse: iDNEIGE takes care of it (and about you)!
Buy you TRAIN TICKET + SHUTTLE on, to have access to your train and your shuttle, off you go to the slopes! Actually, the only thing we can’t do is taking a day off to enjoy it…

More information on IDTGV website.